Lame Rosse - Red Blade
FACEBOOK PAGE GASPARE SILVERII FOTOGRAFIA Lame Rosse - Red Blade 1 x 30sec 3200iso f2,8 Stars + 1 x 16min 200iso f2,8 Land In the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains, nature has given us a unique spectacle. To see something like that we should move up in '"Arches National Park" in Utah (United States) or Kings Canyon in "Watarrka National Park" in Australia, but, fortunately, also in Italy and more precisely in the Marche is possible look something like this. Our "Red Blades" are sandstone, while the American and Australian are rock; these scenarios are formed through the erosion along the passage of many thousands and thousands of years. Photography by Gaspare Silverii © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED via GaspareSilverii
Lame Rosse - Red Blade
Reviewed by Zannnie
12:06 AM